Seasonal Meditations

shutterstock_108479915Every season has it’s own energy and gesture, tuning into this consciously and understanding what it means for you can help centre and balance one.  It can also help to empower our movement through the coming season or life events.  Below are a series of Seasonal Meditations for you to access freely.

There is more information about this in my book “Stop Chasing Time Have Quality Time” and the Webinar.  I am also putting together a series of short seasonal meditations which you can access below.


First Stirrings of Spring

First Spring Stirrings Meditation – Awakening from the deep winter.  An Imbolc Meditation.



Meditation for Spring Equinox – Time of balance and awakening.  The balance of the inner and outer worlds.


Meditation for Launch into Summer – Connect with your own creative centre.


Summer Apex – Meditation for Summer Solstice Vibrancy and Balance.


First Harvest Meditation – Lammas a time for Gratitude and Abundance


Autumm Equinox – Meditaiton for the Final Harvest of the year.


Gathering in for Winter Meditation


Mid-Winter and the Winter Solstice